Drink Fresh
Stay Fresh
| Gharana is a Swadeshi company dedicated to serving India with the purest quality of Replenishing water.

What's inside?
Calcium Ca2+
240 mg/L
| About 99% of the calcium in our bodies is in our bones and teeth.
Sodium Na+
5.2 mg/L
| It’s an important component for proper muscle and nerve function.
Nitrate NO3-
4.4 mg/L
| It’s great for health to drink water with levels of nitrate under 10 mg/L.

Magnesium Mg2+
42 mg/L
| Magnesium is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy.
Sulfate SO4(2-)
400 mg/L
| Sulfate is among the most important macronutrients in cells.
384 mg/L
| Bicarbonate is an antacid used to relieve heartburn and acid indigestion.
Bottles We Deliver

The company was founded in 2008. We are committed to providing safe and healthy drinking water to people all over the India.

Laboratory Control

Great Composition

Nano Filtration Level

Certificates of Quality

| Our Technology
Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum luctus justo sed nibh interdum, nec mollis sem convallis. Sed placerat sem ante, ut aliquam mauris lacinia ac. Praesent in diam eros.

Mansi Ranawat

Nice to now about the organisation and overall presence in Top brands in India
Ashok Jain

Highly recommended for good quality water.
Divyesh Kalra

Good Natural Mineral Water
Bharat Choudhary

Cleanliness is good. Advanced machineries for packaging. Plant is too much interior from main road.

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